1. Focus on testing rather than scripting. Why would a tester require programming skills?
Empowering the SMEs to define, design, execute sophisticated tests without the need to use any kind of code, is what we promised from the outset.
2. Stop being the drag on Agile teams.
Traditional tools struggle to work in an agile environment. This is mainly because they were designed to work in a ‘test last’ model whereas we say ‘test first, test continuously’ .
3. Don’t forget the test data
Make testing on live data a thing of the past, create synthetic data a copy of your live environment.
4. Stop insisting that BAs and end users should test manually
UAT requires business process expertise in order to test that application meets the business expectations.
Validata SAS captures the business process knowledge from the business, so you don’t need to rely on the business users to test the upgrade or new implementations.
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