How to make 2017 a successful year of testing!

How to make 2017 a successful year of testing!

It is possible to reduce even more the time release of your product and improve the testing process within the new year. No miracles included on the list, just an upgraded way of thinking and trusting initiatives. Be prepared of what’s coming in 2017 by following some simple rules….

Faster Releases
Delivering new software can be done in just a couple of weeks instead of several months by slicing tasks into small pieces and by adopting Agile practices. Collaboration and technical practices are two ways that can help in reducing the amount of the time it takes to development:

The top 5 factors that influence testing

No testing process is flawless. Even if you try to predict the possible glitches, there are some factors that influence modern QA industry more than you could have ever imagined. Learning which these factors are, is the first step to control how they affect you. This way you avoid outdated methodologies and you enable a highly controlled testing process from the very beginning.

Developers Are From Mars, Testers Are From Venus?

Testers and developers. The antagonism divides them, but the same business goals bring them –inevitably- close together. As devices are increasingly more complex, the need for smarter communication methods is a necessity for the common good of the organization. Making the software product strong and unbeatable is the reason why these two must get on the same page and find a way to interact clearly and effectively.

How insufficient testing can cost a lot…

Digital technology uses more personal data than ever before. Our smart phones hold a lot of personal data as well as our bank customer profiles. In order to keep safe all this important information, the software that they depend on must be flawless. This may sound too strict but we must keep in mind that even a small malfunction in the system can cause a big real-life impact and destroy an organization’s profits and reputation in just a second. What can save us from this mess?

Test Analytics for Measuring Efficiency and Effectiveness of Software Testing Projects

A famous statement says “We can’t control things that which we can’t measure”. In software projects, it is most important to measure the quality, cost and effectiveness of the project and the processes.  To do that, test managers need to define the right metrics as they refine their testing best practices and adopt innovative new methods.
Integrating Digital with Legacy systems

Integrating Digital with Legacy systems

Validata is a niche player that specialises in banking software testing. At the core of its platform solution is automation based on processes common to most banking platforms. QA-Financial met with Vaios Vaitsis, Validata’s founder and CEO, to find out more.

From Quality Assurance to ‘Digital Assurance’

Our world is digital, like never before, and the digitization of everything is revolutionising the business.  Looking ahead, the world will soon be filled with everyday objects connected to the Internet. Gartner asserts that by 2020, 25 billion “things” will be connected to the Internet, making businesses vulnerable to the risks inherent to digitization.
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