Validata Blog: Talk AI-powered Testing

Integrating CM and Agile Test Automation

Moving into the future, organisations need to establish and standardize their Configuration Management processes to better support Agile. For CM and Agile to work together, their values need to be blended in a manner in which the implementation of Configuration Management for Agile addresses both sets of values.

A transition to Agile will test the limits of your adaptability and add new stresses on your team, process and tools. Your CM tool is the basis of your software development process and so it plays an important role in your organisation’s ability to adapt and change to meet ongoing business needs.

It therefore must work together with other tools in your Agile ecosystem. The three most important Agile tools for your CM tool to integrate with, are your Continuous Integration & Build tool, Agile Project Management tool and your Test Automation tool.

Automation is key.

Releasing new applications and upgrades faster is a challenge with manual testing. A typical app will require an average of 200 test scripts to be created and run for each release. Even if you choose to test 30-40 of the most often transactions, the time taken to manually test a typical release can be more than 500 tester-days, and any subsequent releases will typically add 10% more functionality and will increase the time taken to test each new release.

The picture with automation is entirely different and allows an organisation, for the same project to increase coverage, improve quality and faster time-to-market and all at cost levels that are attractive when compared to manual testing.

The increased need for automation supports a more ‘continuous’ approach to software quality and testing. The traditional model where the focus was to test at the end once development was complete is gone, unless you want delays and rework in the projects. Continuous automated testing is the critical process within the software development phase to deliver applications faster.

The benefits of test automation are well recognized and having your test automation tool integrated with the CM tool will spread these benefits in all areas of an enterprise system.

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