Validata Blog: Talk AI-powered Testing

Why should Performance Testing be high on the agenda?

Performance testing is an extremely important element before any software product is launched in the market. A well-tested software product ensures customers satisfaction and eventually helps create strong brand equity.

Since, time is money and every fraction of a second matters when it comes to web performance, it becomes essential for organisations to address the performance challenges of their applications in the quickest possible time.

What would happen if a large number of users work with an application simultaneously? At this point, Load and Performance Testing become a necessity, by simulating a large number of users; load and network traffic can be generated on the system and can be stretched to their performance limits.

A successful performance testing will uncover any performance issues, which could be related to database, network, software, hardware etc. Not only is speed an important goal for performance, but scalability tests are extremely important if you want more users to interact with the system.

PT blog
A successful performance testing will uncover any performance issues, which could be related to database, network, software, hardware etc. Not only is speed an important goal for performance, but scalability tests are extremely important if you want more users to interact with the system.

As Continuous Integration and Agile have set out to become the new norm, they can be vital in detecting and mitigating performance issues before they have a chance to derail your system in the real world. Performance Testing should be used at early stages of the software development life cycle in order to follow performance related requirements and configure the test design and the development efforts as well. Project teams that delay performance testing to the last moment before going live are setting themselves up for nasty surprises. Many studies have shown that the cost of finding defects in applications increases exponentially the further the defect remains undetected through the lifecycle.

One typical result of this mode is a delay in the application rollout while the team is trying to solve the problems. An application that is deployed with significant performance issues will require costly, time-consuming remedial work after being deployed.

So performance testing and especially performance testing early in the lifecycle is critical if project costs are to be managed.

A solid return on your investment is when you are able to prevent a failure from escaping to production and helping your organisation to avoid additional costs and any reputation damage.

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