Payments Investigation and Case Management

Banks and Financial services need to ensure accurate payments and timely resolution in payment issues to deliver high-quality customer experience.

Payment investigations and resolution remains one of the most manual activities in the back office, consuming resources and introducing unnecessary costs and risks.

Payment issues can arise from different sources like Payment messages (MT/MX) or payment reconciliation exceptions and must be quickly and efficiently addressed.

On top of that, additional challenges come from the lack of message standards and the constantly rising transaction volumes, regulatory and screening requirements.
Validata ConnectIQ enables banks to improve the efficiency of their payment exception and investigation processing, while simultaneously reducing costs.

With integrated case management and approval workflows, it allows to process payment failures and inquiries with greater efficiency and cost effectiveness.
Faster and Accurate Payments Investigation and Exceptions Resolution

Create and Track Investigation cases seamlessly
Leveraging Validata you can automatically create and update investigation cases for both incoming and outgoing payments, eliminating time-consuming manual processes by automatically retrieving transactional data to auto-update your cases and investigation tasks.
Investigators gain control - Self-service portal
Leverage Validata case and investigation management to route cases through the different investigative phases and be used simultaneously by multiple groups. This allow users to self-schedule and track the tasks and view work status from a personalized service portal.
Comprehensive and effortless Message Validation and Creation
Validata creates outgoing messages – generate -create response messages with ease covering both validation and creation of ISO 20022 and MT test messages within a single solution. It can apply validations on message and data level in order to certify the message and its content. This accelerates the correspondence while working on the case and communicating with the recipient bank or merchant.
Consolidated evidence processing and management
Validata ConnectIQ can be the single repository for all data and evidence related to the cases, as it is able to store structured and unstructured data by connecting to any system.It can ping point the underlined payment message for the case and link it in the case tasks with all the correspondence messages till the case resolution.
Enhanced Workflow Efficiency
Automated workflows within case management software streamline processes, ensuring tasks are completed in a timely manner and minimizing delays by providing all info from underline transaction/Message to responses and communications. The workflow incudes approvals and respective escalations via a fully configurable engine.
Data Quality and message truncation
Payment Investigation cases can have both MT and MX messages linked to the case. See and compare truncated data between messages like Address, Legal ids, purpose codes etc. Link MT to MX messages and Vice – Versa saves time and effort from the investigation. Message Truncation and Simplified integration management. By linking the message with unique identifiers, the platform can link MT and MX message in order for the investigator to have access to all the information around the case.
Deliver real-time control,
greater visibility into payment transactions,
and enable faster detection
and investigation of exceptions

Reduce Risk

Minimize fraud and financial risk with more transparent payments investigation and processing
Enhanced customer services

Improve customer experience and reduce payment delays with faster resolutions and transparent processes.
Lower operational costs

Greater automation removes the need for manual processes and provides improved visibility and transparency

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