As part of the transformation project for a major bank based in the Americas, BankBI for T24 powered by Validata V-Conn will deliver consolidated financial reporting across multiple companies, management and board packs, a unique framework for delivering regulatory reporting, and performance management across the enterprise of the bank.
V-Conn is a native T24 ETL solution which extracts directly from T24 into files or relational database format. It features smart multi-value and sub-value processing with scalable and incremental data uploads configurable and complex selection conditions and visual metadata editing. V- Conn achieves to avail the data faster than any other solution, thus enabling clients provide on-time regulatory and operational reporting as well as populate the DWH, BI, collection systems etc from a single source which is outside T24 altogether.
“The partnership with Validata will allow any bank utilising Temenos T24TM for core banking to GO LIVE on BankBI in an elapsed period of less than one (1) month” according to Graham Goble, CEO of BankBI. “This is a key differentiator in the marketplace for those organisations looking for “Real Answers” and not just data or data warehouses”
“Combining the benefits of V-Conn’s automated ETL validation functionality with BankBI’s pre-packaged Performance Management & Analytics, delivers a 1-2 punch that is unparalleled in the marketplace” states Vaios Vaitsis, Founder & CEO of Validata Group. “The opportunity to help improve key business processes within the T24 community with this unique proposition in a timely fashion, eliminates the uncertainty surrounding other BI solutions in the industry”
BankBI for T24 powered by Validata’s V-Conn will be deployed in Microsoft Azure and be made available to any client using Temenos T24TM core banking. BankBI for T24 will deliver financial, sales, service & operational management and board “Packs” to the CEO, CFO, Members of the Board, Branch Managers and Financial Advisors on desktop, tablets and phones.
BankBI for T24 delivers the following pre-packaged PACKS (today):
- Financial Performance Management
- Sales, Service & Operations Performance Management
- Card Performance Management
- Wealth Performance Management (second half 2015)
- Payments Performance Management (second half of 2015)
About BankBi:
BankBI provides software to financial institutions to help them improve their performance analysis. By using a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) delivery model users of BankBI can benefit from a low total cost of ownership and quick implementation creating faster time to value for end users.