Validata Group is pleased to announce that Validata SAS, the first truly integrated Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) solution built for the Banking and Financial sector, is now fully integrated with the Microsoft platform. With cloud based delivery now fully catered for within Validata Testing as a Service (TaaS) Solutions, Validata Group has fully adopted the Microsoft platform with Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2. Validata SAS is now fully operational on the Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows 7 platform, with full integration to Microsoft Office and SQL Server 2008 R2 as the database layer.

Validata and Microsoft partnership follows the aims of both organisations to Simplify, De-Risk and Accelerate the implementation of Temenos T24™ solutions. It is anticipated that the offering will be rolled out first within the Canadian market, where Validata Group and Microsoft already have a large presence.